Friday, March 6, 2009

One month

Bottle of Fingernail polish: $1.49
4 bags of diapers: $80.00
Box of wet wipes:$10.00
Baby Wash:$4.50
Laundry Detergent:$9.00
The Whole Package: PRICELESS
I can't believe our little Kaydree is a month old (yesterday) it has gone by so quickly!! She's getting bigger everyday. She loves to be awake and has taken after her sisters and does not like to sleep much! LUCKY MEEEEEEEEEEE!! It's been so much fun having her around, and having 3 little girls is something I'd never imagined, and am loving every bit of it!


Teri said...

You can't beat 3 girls! ;)

Love the little pink sweet.

Kimberly said...

Wow! Time flies. I can't believe she's already a month. What a cutie, I bet it's so fun to have three girls in a row.

Stacey said...

I love the pink little toes! I cannot believe it has been 1 month already! Time flies. 3 girls is wonderful! Congrats again!

Greg Becky said...

She is so cute. You have such pretty little girls. I was wondering are you still private? If you are, do you know how to make it so people know that you've updated your blog?

Michelle Thompson said...

What beautiful little girls. You are really blessed. I love the red hair.

Greg Becky said...


boandheidi said...

What a pretty little girl!

The Welling Family -- said...

I love the picture of your girls up top. That must make you smile every time you get on your blog. Hopefully, I don't miss you before you come back to the Rec. I'm taking off April. Your pics are getting me excited to have a girl.
