Wednesday, April 9, 2008

what a day

So this morning my day started at 4:30 when kennadee woke me up to puking noises. there was no way i could go back to sleep after giving her a bath, changing her clothes, and making sure she didn't throw up agian, so we sat on the couch downstairs and watched TV and waited for Kallie to wake up! In the mean time as the sun was coming out i looked outside and realized that we had gotten four inches of snow that night! It has snowed all day today, and the news said it isn't looking to promising until saturday or sunday! When the ground hog sees his shadow and they say it means we have six more weeks of evanston that means there is still six months of winter! it quits just in time for it to snow again! Now that the day is ending things are going better, it's still snowing but it's warm enough now that it is melting on the deck outside and on the roads Kennadee is no longer throwing up but still just wants to lay around, but there is no napping involved! It's been kind of a day where you crawl back into bed and wait for the next hoping it will be better!


nina said...

I'm sorry that your little girls isn't feeling good. I hope she gets to feeling better soon, hopefully all of you don't catch it!