Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July

K...I apologize..i have absolutely no pictures of anything from this weekend..I could kick myself! anyway...we did have very fun! We had lots of family come over to watch the fireworks in Evanston! Evanston goes crazy for the fourth..it is legal to shoot fireworks here on the 3rd and 4th, and it is so fun! Seriously, all of our neighbors, actually the whole town usually puts on a better display than the city does, so its lots of fun. Then on saturday we went to green river, because we threw his parents an anniversary picnic, the food was so yummy, we fixed ribs, shrimp skewers, Kabobs (spelling), we had pasta salads, and fruit salads, and salad salads, and then cake! it was just so much fun to just kinda pig out! :) then on Sunday, my niece got blessed, she is so stinkin cute! it was a really good blessing! but that was our weekend, it was lots of fun, and again..sorry no pictures!