Friday, January 2, 2009


I figured I better get around to posting some pictures of Christmas this year, I've been too lazy to do anything! Christmas was a lot of fun this year, we stayed home and my parents came down and my little brother drove from California! The girls both made a haul and had so much fun!! Here are some pictures of our day! These pictures are in no particular order

Huge barbie that Kallie got .I keep mistaking it for a kid
Grandma and Grandpa Allred got the girls a trampoline for indoors....maybe they'll stop jumping on their beds!

Kennadee opening some markers! They both got matching leotards from grandma, they will not take them off! I wash them probably everyother day, they love them and it's hard to get them to take them off

Kallie in her leotard
more barbie stuff...imagine that

showing off more barbie stuff
this is a quilt that my mom made for the girls, it's a princess quilt and it so dang cute!!

dancing with her new barbies

Kallie got a carriage that holds barbies

havin fun with the barbies

more barbies

the girls also got a huge Barbie Diamond Castle from Grandma and Grandpa Owens, They made a haul with all their barbie stuff!


Stacey said...

Yikes! You have a lot of stuff to find room for! Glad your parents were able to get there!

boandheidi said...

It looks like you all had a great Christmas. How are you feeling?

Kimberly said...

That's so funny. Our girls are so alike. Don't you just love that the Barbie's from the Diamond castle can sing over and over and over again? I know I do! ;) Looks like you had a fun Christmas!