Saturday, June 20, 2009

Finally an update.

Our lives have been going about 500 miles a minute it seems. We have been crazy busy with everything. First off we moved to Cheyenne, so far we really really like it here, we like our house, and our neighborhood so far. The neighbors have been really welcoming to our little family. I spent a week in green river with seth's family and then spent a week in lovell with mine. Grandma and Grandpa time is needed a lot around here. :) Before we left Evanston, we made one last trip to the Hogle Zoo. The girls love going there, and so do I actually. Here are a few pics of what's been happenin. Kallie on the way to the zoo.
High five for the blurry picture.

Enjoying the day.

Kennadee wouldn't come near this elephant, so just me, Kallie and Kaydree.

Lookin for crawdads at the bear ponds.

The girls love to come here and just play in the water.

And our cute little Kaydree..need I say more? I love those CHEEKS!

Hanging at Grandma's Owens' house.
The newest addition to our house..Meet Scratch.
She's a fiesty little thing, but the girls can't get enough of her, and I think she's had enough of the girls. Update on the girls as well.
Kallie is very excited because her new school is about 1 1/2 blocks away, and it looks very nice. She is trying to learn to ride her bike without training wheels, and is slowly making progress.
Kennadee is a wild woman, and is going 90 miles an hour. She is constantly playing in mud and dirt, and loves to find rocks, and also throw them. She got her first black eye a couple days ago and will not let me take a picture of it. She got smacked right in the face with the swing.
Kaydree is growing like a stinkin weed. She is 4 1/2 months old and loves to eat! I am prob not supposed to give her all the food I do, but she loves pizza, and rice cereal, all the vegetables of baby food, french fries, and icecream, just to name a few! She'll eat anything you give her. She is rolling over constantly, and loves to laugh. She also loves ice water. She's willing to take a sip of anyones, but she doesn't like to get it taken away from her. She is getting into the stage where if she sees me leave, she cries and cries!!
I am so glad I have such sweet girls, that are full of life and energy. Hopefully I won't slack so much in the blogging department house is almost unpacked, but I no longer have any motivation to get anymore done. Maybe next week!


Stacey said...

Congrats on your move and all your adventures have kept you super busy! A fun time in your lives. Enjoy~

Teri said...

Glad you are enjoying your new home...hope you continue to like it there!

nina said...

Oh, I love Hogle Zoo. Probably one of my favorites that I've been too. I'm glad that you guys had a good time!

jsmbbaker said...

Love the pics! It was good to see you in Lovell!