Friday, October 24, 2008

my turn for the award

Teri has bestowed this award on me. I am soooooooooooooo flattered!!!!
This award comes with a requirement; I need to post 6 things I value & 6 things I do not, then pass it on to 6 other awesome bloggers!
Here we go.

6 things I value
The Gospel
nausea medicine (continuing for the next 3 ish months)
unconditional love

6 things I DO NOT
pregnacy nausea
messy house
rude people
dog hair

The people I am turning this award over to
Heidi Smith
Lindsay Harmon
Brooke Smith
Shannon Baker
Erin Perry
Andrea Whitaker

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Short Story

WE had a boring day
Went to walmart got rinky dinky (spelling) ceramic puppies to paint
Kallie Loved it
Kennadee loved it too
Kennadee didn't paint her dog
She is more fun to paint
Turned out to be fun
Big mess to clean up
The End

Saturday, October 11, 2008


So..I just remembered that i haven't blogged about what the baby is! We are having another girl! I am so excited...It was weird, cuz...I was really feeling the "boy" vibes, (well....I guess not cuz...I don't know what those feel like yet) and we have been told 3 different times 100 percent, it's another girl!! The girls are so excited to have another sister, we have been trying to think of some names, but nothing has been agreed on yet, and well, I still have fourish months to go still, but with the holidays coming i"m sure it's gonna go by fast! So..for now, we are still thinkin pink! Which is wonderful cuz I LOVE PINK!!!!!!!!