Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kallie says and our new Pet!!

I figured I need to write these down some place before I forget. I thought they were pretty cute.
There is a little carnival in town and Kallie calls it the Lagoon. Everything with rides is referred to as Lagoon. Well, she was telling me "look mom, they are setting up the Lagoon here. Can we go can we go?" On and on and on, you know how that goes. Well, it was kinda cold on Thursday night so I promised her we would go the the "Carnival" on Friday night.
Me: "Kallie, if you are really good tomorrow we'll go to the carnival."
Kallie: " Mom, I don't wanna go to the Carnival, I want to go to the Lagoon, Carnival is stuff you dip your apples in." (she was talking about Caramel."

Also, today the girls were outside playing in the backyard, and Kallie and Kennadee start screaming, Mom Mom, come here quick come look. I kept thinking they were just freakin out over a little bug, and Kallie came running in to the house, Mom come look at this, there is some sort of creature living in our garden. hurry, come look at this creature. Well, I went running out there, and there's a little horny toad. Kallie wants him as a pet, so today, we got a rubbermade tub thing, and put some dirt, and a little cup of water, and some grass and a few rocks in there, and some ants for him or her to eat. Is there such things as a female horny toad? I dunno..I can't see them having babies. i"m sure they are out there though. I can see a male horny toad though. :) anyway...Kallie named the little thing flower. What a manly name for the little guy! I think he's gonna be let go though sometime tonight, cuz I ants can crawl out of his new little home, and I don't want the dang thing to die on us!! anyway..that's computer is still gay, and I don't know how to fix it..any suggestions? How do I get it to pull up the internet without being in safe mode? It brings up MSN messanger and stuff like that, but no web pages..I have tried everything..and suggestions people? I need um!!!


Stacey said...

Love new pets!!! Have fun with all the ones she will be wanting to bring into your home! :)

Carnival vs caramel....too cute!!!

Kimberly said...

What Kallie said is so cute - I just love the way little kids minds work.

Trevor & Andrea said...

haha... too cute!!

Trevor & Andrea said...

YAY!!! I am soo excited! FAMILY CLOSE BY?!?!? I am coming back to laramie, I am going to school here next year too. so we will be here awhile a few more yrs at least. :) We will definitely have to get together! It gets lonely down here

nina said...

Your little girls will love having a little pet. My girls beg me for one all the time, but I don't give in!

The Welling Family -- said...

Hope your move is going good. I put a little shout out to you and your family on my blog.