Friday, May 23, 2008

Blah...sick kids

So....ugh...we have gone this entire winter without hardly being sick well...thanksgiving Kennadee was in the hospital with pnemonia, but other than that, my kids have been so healthy! the middle of stinkin May, it all breaks loose! We all have sore throats, the kids are getting kind of a cough, and to top it off, Kennadee got an ear infection (and she even has tubes in her ears and if she gets one it shouldn't bother her, but it has) and Kallie has a bladder infection! It hit us all at once! I guess it's making up for nothing during the winter. Last winter, my kids switched back and forth...if it wasn't RSV they had Pnemonia, and if it wasn't pnemonia they had RSV or ear was nuts, i didn't think they'd ever make it through, but they did! but man...i thought we were gonnna have a non sick year! blah!!!!


Kara said...

Sorry to hear that you guys are sick! Thats no fun for anyone! I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I think for the first time in about 5 or 6 months we are all relatively healthy at our house.
Thanks for all the comments you leave on my blog, you're such a sweetie. Hope that things get better for your family. Good Luck!

nina said...

Hey Kristin,
My email is


Ranee` said...

We did that too! All winter and we were all healthy, I have a baby and BOOM, we all got sick! I hate that. Luckily for us it was just colds. Hope you guys feel better!