Tuesday, May 13, 2008


It was snowing yesterday (Yes YESTERDAY) and so I decided to get the game of Twister out, I thought maybe Kallie would be old enough now to kind of understand it, I was pretty wrong, it wasn't turning out the way that I wanted it to, but it was even funner that way. Kallie was so cute, I would spin the spinny thing (don't know what it's called) and tell Kallie right hand on red, left foot on green, left hand on yellow, and right food on blue kinda thing. She was so confused at first, and then when I would start calling out which hand or foot to put on which color, she would just hop right over and do it, finally she looked up at me and said "Mom this game is not very fun at all." I kept trying to explain to her that you have to leave all your hands and feet on the colors, even if I call out another color, you have to keep them all on the colors. I said it was trying to make her into a pretzel. She still didn't understand anything about it, but we still had so much fun playing. This picture is about as twisted up as she got, but I think some of her problem was that her legs and arms aren't near long enough to stretch from one side to the other ha ha, but here are some other pictures that I took of her playing Twister, and of course Kennadee had to join in the fun, and she just thought it was fun to bounce back and forth onto the different dots.