Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Okay, i have to do sharing time on Sunday, and my topic is my body is a temple!! Does anybody have any ideas that I can do for an activity and stuff for my sharing time!?!?! HELP!


Jill Asay said...

I absolutely love you new family picture! It is so cute! Who took them for you?

SLSPJ said...

sugardoodle.net nuff said

Jennie said...

You should go to sofiasprimaryideas.blogspot.com and search her blog for your theme!! She is AWESOME!!!

Teri said...

First of all, I like your new fam pic! Very cute.
Second, go to sugardoodle.net It has great ideas on it for all ages. I use it for YW all the time and I know it has primary stuff too.