Friday, November 7, 2008

Just Wondering

I was just wondering, does anybody else's house get outta control messy, but it seems like it is everyday? The kids won't hardly help you pick up, unless there is somthing good in return or a pretty major threat? I think i'm the only I said..just wondering!


Kara said...

Trust me beautiful lady, you are NOT the only one. I consider myself a clean person, and I try to keep things picked up as the day goes on. But if I let up for even a second it is out of control messy. It is absolutely amazing the size of mess my kids can make in a split second. Katelyn is pretty good about helping, but Jake only helps if there is a threat or a reward that he deems good enough. Hang in there. I'm told someday, I'll miss the messes when my kids are grown and gone. We'll just have to see about that ;)

Jennie said...

Oh my gosh, you are talking about my life!!!! You are soooo not alone! I take comfort in the fact that mine will soon be old enough to bribe easier:)Clean room=Barbie or so I hope!

nina said...

One thing that I found that helps with Callie, is to buy seperate storage bins for different things. Like she has a bin for her dolls, another one for anything with wheels, and another one for her toy food. She loves to organize things in the right one, it's kind of like a game. You could maybe try that. But yeah, she still makes a big mess, but at least I found a way to have her help pick up ;)

Sarah R said...

Kristin, I wish you were the only one, then I wouldn't have to clean my house 5 times a day! It has gotten much worse now that Adam is to the "crawl around and pull out anything you can reach" stage. Movies, CDs, toys, the computer keyboard, ANYTHING! Of course the two older ones add their fair share. Jenna is a good little helper when I ask for help cleaning, Will not so much. I would post a picture of my house right now just to show you that you are not alone, but I am much too ashamed. Ahh, the things we didn't know we were signing on for when we became mothers. :)

Teri said...

I can definitely relate. Curse those kids and their messes!

elonna said...

I think the mess gets just bigger and bigger with each child. I would love to have a maid. : ) My boys love to clean up in the dark with a flash light. I have found this is the best way if I have extra time because it takes longer in the dark, but much less frustrating. Good Luck. I LOVE the costumes!