Saturday, March 28, 2009

Little Miss K

I cant believe how fast time flies. Kaydree is almost 8 weeks old and is starting to get those cute little fat rolls everywhere. I think this is the ONLY time where the fat rolls are cute. chubby babies. i know she doesnt look real big, but she is gettin there. she weighs 10lbs 10 oz now, she is such a joy to have around and her sisters absolutely adore her. She is currently sick with RSV but shes a little fighter and I know that she'll be ok. She is smiling now and loves to be in her boucy seat that kennadee so caringly decorated it with pen and marker.

heading to church

gettin big

smiling. high five for my cell phone for taking 5 minutes to get a dang picture, so this was the end of the smile and she was wiggling.

her favorite thing to do is sit up..she hates laying down unless it's in her bouncer. so we are constantly holding her up soshe can look around.


Jill Asay said...

I love the picture on your is too cute! She is growing so fast. I hope she starts to get better fast!

Emily Asay said...

i LOVE that big bow in her hair on her way to church, so cute. she is precious and i hope she's getting better. :)

Teri said...

She sure is a cute little girl...Hope she gets better asap. :)

Trevor & Andrea said...

Ok so I have not seen you guys in soooo long! Before long Kaydre is going to be talking and walking!

Stacey said...

Her cheeks are adorable! I hope she recovers quickly! Not fun for any of you!

Michelle Thompson said...

Wow, they grow up so fast. She seems so grown up.