Thursday, June 5, 2008

RIP little tomato plants

So..I'm just gonna vent for a seems like I haven't had much to blog about lately..all it's done is rain, and be cold, and blah blah blah..ya know those kinda weeks so far...anyway...the girls and I haven't really done anything out of the ordinary..we go on walks, go to walmart, have picnics, clean up toys, play...well..the other day we walked to walmart and I wanted to get some tomato plants, I was very excited to finally plant them, so we got all our tools out and started diggin holes..i was so proud of the cute little plants..Kallie was so excited about them also and asked me "Mom should we get some water to water these little fellas?" ha ha it was the cutest thing ever, but anyway..we got done planting and watering, and came inside to get our hands washed and to start making that short amount of time, i looked out our window from the kitchen and couldn't see our tomato plants...MY DANG DOG ATE THEM, and the ones he didn't get to TRAMPLED THEM TO DEATH. I was so ticked, I still am, as lame as it sounds I was so mad I was almost in tears, by almost I mean I had to suck it up and hold them in! ha ha..I am still pretty grumpy about it now, but Tank (our dog) didn't get by without bein in trouble, I dunno if i'll get anymore plants cuz it's getting a little late to plant them now, and its supposed to snow too (GGGRRRR...if it happens it'll be a WHOLE nother post") so needless to say we're going tomato-less for this year, at least from our garden!! Dumb Dog sometimes!! UGH!!!


The Robinson's said...

Kristen your kids are cute!Where is Seth in all the pictures? You tell him hes not too old to blog! (its for 30 year olds)haha
your blog looks Great
talk2ya soon Brace&Ang

Jill Asay said...

It was great to hear from you. Your blog is super's so nice to have one and be able to read others. Like one of my other friends said it's like living right next door to everyone because you know a lot about what's going on in their lives!

Ranee` said...

Gardens can be so sad, huh! Our cucumbers didn't come up, which was something I was really looking forward to. I'm surprised my garden is still alive with all the weird weather we're having this year.

SLSPJ said...

Well Kristin, look on the bright side, just wait a little while and you will get the tomato plants back!! haha, just kidding