Friday, September 26, 2008

Not fit for a princess

Kallie lately has been telling me, if I ask her to help pick up the toys or help clean something up, she replies.."Mom, I am just not very good at that." I was cleaning up the girls bedroom and asked Kallie to put a few shirts in her drawer and throw the shoes in the closet and her reply was "Mom, that job is not fit for a princess." It was so cute and I had to laugh, but the little stink....she knows how to try and get out of things! She is very into princesses and barbies lately, so we are back to changing our outfit 18 times a day into different dresses! and for the record...she never did do what I asked her to, I asked a few more times and nothing became of it, and I figured it wasn't a battle that I choose to have that day


Trevor & Andrea said...

that is funny! i love reading your posts, miss you guys! tell the princess that even CINDERELLA had to clean:)

SLSPJ said...

that smart little thing!

Shannon said...

That's so cute, lol. Thanks so much for the compliments Kristin! Glad you read my blog! I love your blog and am glad you are doing so well.