Thursday, September 4, 2008

And I'm having a.......................

Jk...I still don't know...went to find out last week, the cord was between the legs, the legs were crossed, blah blah blah...wouldn't cooperate AT ALL!! I walked and paced trying to get the little bugger to move and show us something half way interesting, but nothing..dang it! Should be finding out in the next couple weeks! I'll do a for real post when I do find out, right now i'm just pretty bored and didn't really have anything real real cool to blog about, so this is just a lame ol' post...BOOO!


Trevor & Andrea said...

Dang... wish it would have moved!! Miss you!

boandheidi said...

I was really excited to find out - you'll have to let us know when you do find out. We can't wait.

nina said...

We move in tommorow. I'm so excited!

Emily Asay said...

I'm not sure when we get to find out the sex or IF I even want to knwo the sex. Micahel does but I kind of don't want to this time. is that crazY? I'll probably cave in sooner or later though. :)

Kimberly said...

Hey, I hope you find out what you're having soon! By the way, we can do pretty much anything you want for vinyl. Do you know what you want or have an idea? I love doing vinyl so just let me know!

elonna said...

So are you really excited to find out that you are having another girl? JK It would even my family out anyway, but I hope you get a little girl. I haven't checked your blog since we went camping and I love all of the fun pictures that you have. You got some great ones. I love the fishing pictures!