Friday, April 10, 2009

2 months

I just barely got around to posting this. Kaydree was two months old on the 5th (this last Sunday). She loves to look at lights and talks and smiles a ton, it is so cute. She talks to the toy on her car seat and gets so excited when it makes noises. She absolutely loves her binkie. The other two girls would never take one so its quite different having a binkie baby! She continues to love her bouncy seat and sitting up. She weighs 10 lbs 15 oz and 22 inches long, Shes finally over her RSV and is a happy healthy baby.

I justhad to throw this picture of Kennadee in. What a cheeser.


Stacey said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE binky babies!! All 3 of mine were binky babies and it is soooo dang cute! She is a keeper!

Trevor & Andrea said...

what color of hair do you suppose she will have? ... red :)

Kara said...

You have such beautiful girls! That baby is just precious. Makes me so excited for October :)

Teri said...

I too love binky babies (just not binky toddlers ;)...seem so much easier...wish Justee would have taken one. Cute girls!

Michelle Thompson said...

Your little girls are so cute and I bet really fun too!

SLSPJ said...

ahhh, look at my cute little nieces! we already miss you guys and kissin on kaydrees cute little chubby cheeks!

nina said...

My girls never would take binkies either. Hopefully this next one will. I think they would be a saving grace.

Itty-Bitty Portraits said...


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