Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Whats been going on with us!

This year for Easter we headed to Green River to spend it with his family. I cant believe the Easter bunny found us there. I was a tad worried. The girls had so much fun playing with their cousins, dying Easter eggs, Easter egg hunts, screaming and running wild, and a very yummy Easter dinner. Here are some pictures of what we've been up to.excuse the fatty McVicker(sp) Kallie looks a little stunned too.

Kennadee worked very hard on coloring her eggs for a long time, then dip them in the dye for literally 2 seconds and pull them out and reach for another. We had probably 15 eggs with a slight yellow tint.

of course Kaydree had to join in the fun.

Their Easter baskets.

Kaydree's basket. I know a 2 month old doesn't need a coloring book, but apparently the Easter bunny thought it looked cool.
Kallie's Easter basket. Full of a ton of candy, toothbrush and toothpaste, crayons(that are already broken and have bites taken out of them, and most of the missing), coloring books, diving sticks and gobbles(goggles) as Kallie says, and some more loot.

Kennadee's basket full of everything that Kallie got.

Checking out their Easter loot.

okay, here is a picture of Kallie in her gobbles. haha, everytime I look at these next two picture I bust out laughing, they look pretty goofy, I think that's why it's so cute!!

These gobbles are not ONE SIZE FITS all, Kennadee can't even see out of one side! hahaha, I am laughing my head off as I'm typing this.

Easter dress

Kennadee's dress

Don't know what exactly Kennadee was thinking. Cute little stink.

Attractive, I know.
Lookin for Easter eggs.

Kallie and Kennadee with two of their cousins, Drake and Kaleb.

I started painting Kaydree's fingers and toes, and she fell asleep, I must give ONE mean manicure and pedicure.
So , went to Walmart today and they were having a HUGE sale, of 75% off sale prices of toys,, and of course my girls are in Dying need of toys. Kennadee modeling her new sunglasses and extremely cool Barbie dress. Very immodest and way too big, I think it'll find it's way to the garbage soon enough, it was only 1.00, sunglasses .25

Kallie and Kennadee modeling their dresses, not a big fan of Kallie's belly showing, this one will also find it's way to the trash, by magically "disappearing"
Don't know why the coloring on the picture is weird, but I still think its cute.
she loves her swing.

the end


Stacey said...

Great dresses on your girls. Do you make them? Glad you had fun!

Kathy said...

Those little girls are so adorable !!! Their Easter dresses are so sweet, but I really do love those Barbie outfits and I love the red hair too You are so blessed girl !!!