Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ice Cream is good no matter where it comes from!

So my girls had eaten their dinner pretty good for the first time EVER i think, so i told them after a little bit they could have some ice cream, it was about an hour later and Kallie asked if she could have some ice cream now so i told her yes! I started scooping some out and asked Kennadee if she wanted some ice cream, she is into this thing if i ask her anything she shakes her head no and says NA! (no) so i figured she didn't really want any at all. i finished scooping the rest of the

ice cream out of the carton for Kallie and threw the mostly empty carton in the garbage, well our garbage is full as it always is (actually i swear we go through at least one bag if not two a day) so it was just sittin on top.i gave kallie her bowl of ice cream and she went and sat at the table, all the sudden i heard "Mmmmmmmmmmmm" I looked down and Kennadee had gotten the carton out of the garbage and was eating it, she wasn't getting very much outta it, but enough to make a pretty big mess, i couldn't just clean her up, so i let her sit and eat a bit more, i just had to grab my camera, because when you're that little it doesn't matter where it comes from as long as its good!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I'm taking this look as don't invade my privacy!!!!

Doing the duty

So Kennadee is trying so hard to be just like her big sister, she watches Kallie go to the bathroom and sit on the potty, so now Kennadee is trying it! She goes everytime i put her on, but this one day she wouldn't get off, i asked her what she wanted and she said a book! So i got her a little book and she sat and read that book while she was just hanging out in the bathroom, she was in there for a good 1/2 hour i think, i finally had to go in there, take her off and shut the door! Being just like big sister is so much fun, actually i think she takes after grandpa!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

enchiladas or poachyladas?

So, i was making cheese enchiladas the other night for dinner, kallie had been running around throwing a fit because she wanted macaroni and cheese for dinner, that seems to be the answer for every meal! I told her no we weren't going to have macaroni and cheese we could have that for lunch the next day instead! She threw a complete fit, and starting screaming "MOM I DON"T WANT TO HAVE POACHYLADAS!!!" Needless to say, we continued making them, and i had her help me finish them up and put them in the oven. When it was time to eat she was still a little reluctant to them, but i brought out some salad too, and told her she had to eat at least three bites because she was three years old! She finally gave in and i looked over a bit later and her whole poachylada was almost all gone! This has become one of her favorite meals now!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Okay so here's an update on my phone problem! That solution WORKS!! screen is a little cloudy but other than that my phone is in perfect condition again..I just drenched it with rubbing alcohol and let it sit for a minute then i shook the livin day lights outta it and put it in a bowl of uncooked rice over nite..i got up the next morning and turned it on and it is working just fine!! So for all of you losing phones to toilets of any sorta water..try really works! THANK GOODNESS!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Just my luck!

Okay..I'm not sure if anyone has had worse cellphone luck than me. Three of four months ago i upgraded my cellphone to what i thought was a pretty cool one! a pink chocolate..well after i had gotten it i found out that they have had nothing but bad luck with them..they sent me four pink chocolate replacement ones to see if each would work better than the last! they have a deal if they give you three replacements within 90 days then they automatically send you a brand new phone just upgraded from the one i previously had! I was very excited..i got my new phone probably three weeks ago! This one is extremely nice and i was very excited to actually get a working phone! My luck with the phone changed today! i was laying on the couch with kennadee and kallie this afternoon watching a movie (their quiet time) i had gotten up to do something and apparently my phone fell out of my pocket of my shirt! I decided to go into the bathroom and put my hair in a pony tail! Kennadee soon after followed me in there, and i heard her behind me throw something into the TOILET! I looked to see what it was...MY BRAND NEW PHONE!!! I can't even get the dang thing to turn on! I have read every article possible to save a wet cell phone! They all told me...dry it! WELL DUH! I finally found a couple articles that said pour rubbing alcohol on it, cuz it will pull the water out and alcohol doesn't harm your phone! I have poured a ton of it on my phone and now it is hanging out in a bowl of uncooked rice! I tell ya I didn't have bad luck i would have no luck at all!! So if anyone drops their cell phone in it with alcohol! That's the rumor anyway..i have to wait a day or so...i'll update whether it worked or not! I'm not to hopeful though, after all that's just my luck!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

what a day

So this morning my day started at 4:30 when kennadee woke me up to puking noises. there was no way i could go back to sleep after giving her a bath, changing her clothes, and making sure she didn't throw up agian, so we sat on the couch downstairs and watched TV and waited for Kallie to wake up! In the mean time as the sun was coming out i looked outside and realized that we had gotten four inches of snow that night! It has snowed all day today, and the news said it isn't looking to promising until saturday or sunday! When the ground hog sees his shadow and they say it means we have six more weeks of evanston that means there is still six months of winter! it quits just in time for it to snow again! Now that the day is ending things are going better, it's still snowing but it's warm enough now that it is melting on the deck outside and on the roads Kennadee is no longer throwing up but still just wants to lay around, but there is no napping involved! It's been kind of a day where you crawl back into bed and wait for the next hoping it will be better!

Trying to figure it out

K i'm very new at bare with me until i really figure this thing out.