Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ice Cream is good no matter where it comes from!

So my girls had eaten their dinner pretty good for the first time EVER i think, so i told them after a little bit they could have some ice cream, it was about an hour later and Kallie asked if she could have some ice cream now so i told her yes! I started scooping some out and asked Kennadee if she wanted some ice cream, she is into this thing if i ask her anything she shakes her head no and says NA! (no) so i figured she didn't really want any at all. i finished scooping the rest of the

ice cream out of the carton for Kallie and threw the mostly empty carton in the garbage, well our garbage is full as it always is (actually i swear we go through at least one bag if not two a day) so it was just sittin on top.i gave kallie her bowl of ice cream and she went and sat at the table, all the sudden i heard "Mmmmmmmmmmmm" I looked down and Kennadee had gotten the carton out of the garbage and was eating it, she wasn't getting very much outta it, but enough to make a pretty big mess, i couldn't just clean her up, so i let her sit and eat a bit more, i just had to grab my camera, because when you're that little it doesn't matter where it comes from as long as its good!!!