Friday, April 11, 2008

Just my luck!

Okay..I'm not sure if anyone has had worse cellphone luck than me. Three of four months ago i upgraded my cellphone to what i thought was a pretty cool one! a pink chocolate..well after i had gotten it i found out that they have had nothing but bad luck with them..they sent me four pink chocolate replacement ones to see if each would work better than the last! they have a deal if they give you three replacements within 90 days then they automatically send you a brand new phone just upgraded from the one i previously had! I was very excited..i got my new phone probably three weeks ago! This one is extremely nice and i was very excited to actually get a working phone! My luck with the phone changed today! i was laying on the couch with kennadee and kallie this afternoon watching a movie (their quiet time) i had gotten up to do something and apparently my phone fell out of my pocket of my shirt! I decided to go into the bathroom and put my hair in a pony tail! Kennadee soon after followed me in there, and i heard her behind me throw something into the TOILET! I looked to see what it was...MY BRAND NEW PHONE!!! I can't even get the dang thing to turn on! I have read every article possible to save a wet cell phone! They all told me...dry it! WELL DUH! I finally found a couple articles that said pour rubbing alcohol on it, cuz it will pull the water out and alcohol doesn't harm your phone! I have poured a ton of it on my phone and now it is hanging out in a bowl of uncooked rice! I tell ya I didn't have bad luck i would have no luck at all!! So if anyone drops their cell phone in it with alcohol! That's the rumor anyway..i have to wait a day or so...i'll update whether it worked or not! I'm not to hopeful though, after all that's just my luck!!!!!!!!


Lauren said...

Hooray! I love that you're blogging now. Your girls are so cute and it will be really fun to keep up with you!

nina said...

hmmm.... never heard of that. Definately let us know if it works, I have lost a few phones by dropping them in water.