Thursday, May 1, 2008


So late last night i was finishing up some laundry, and was getting to the worst part of it all, folding socks! I hate folding socks most of the time because i can do all the laundry in the house and i still have at least fifteen socks that do not have any matches. I go through the questions in my head after every i throw this sock away? am i gonna find that match to it soon? should i just keep it for a while and see what happens? I have an entire drawer of socks missing their match! Last night was the first time ever i finished all the laundry and i had absolutely NO missing socks! This has never happened! I know this is a really stupid post to write, but i was just so excited that my dryer didn't eat any socks, well if it did at least it ate a pair of socks instead of individual ones of different pairs, that i had to share it with everyone! If your a person who has this same problem then you will probably enjoy this post!