Sunday, May 18, 2008

Since it has been so nice I decided that my car was in DESPERATE need of a clean! I would be embarrassed if anybody saw the inside of it! What can ya do though? I have kids! Expect it right? Well, i do expect it and it's no surprise to me, but I guess I could do my part and take stuff outta the car...ya know? My kids think that if we go anywhere they have to bring a toy, so I let them to spare myself a fight or a temper tantrum, but as soon as we return home I usually have groceries or some other stuff to bring in the house, sometimes it's even sleeping kids, so I don't usually have enough arms to bring them all in, so I think " oh I'll get them later or tomorrow" well, I don't get them later or tomorrow! So back to the point, I cleaned my car out! Kennadee likes to sit in the car and drive or push every button possible and turn every knob that is turn able, I usually let her, cuz it doesn't hurt much! I was cleaning the back out, and Kennadee had been in the passenger side, well i started vacuuming it out and I couldn't see or hear her, so I went and looked in the front and she was sound asleep eating her Popsicle! I'm guessing the loud vacuum was what did the trick! She looked so cute i just had to grab my camera!