Sunday, May 11, 2008

I'd Rather Be A Cat

The girls and I got to take a trip to lovell for a week, my parents have new baby kittens and this was definitely the highlight of going there...the girls were so cute with the kittens! the one in most of the pictures is Kallie's, she named her Simba! She is such a cute kitten, as you can tell in the pictures though Tank wasn't too sure what in the world this this was! It was so fun to watch him with them though, he tried to be a mother to them, which is weird, Kallie made up a song for him though, she sang to "farmer in the dale" but the words went "i'd rather be a cat, i'd rather be a cat, i'm tired of bein a dumb ol' dog, i'd rather be a cat." it is the cutest song ever, i think may be right too! jk, but here are a few pictures of the girls playing with their kittens, there is one of Kennadee that is side ways but it was so cute i couldn't just not put it on here, she didn't get to hold them very much and when you look at the picture it will explain why!