Wednesday, July 9, 2008

These are just a few pictures that we took in our cemetary here in Evanston, I think it's so cool to live in a place where you can see this kinda stuff on a daily basis, there was a moose a couple years ago in our yard, and then usually there is one that hangs out in the walmart parking lot, well, there is some ponds right by them and the moose usually hung out there, but was in the parking lot from time to time! I dunno if these are the same ones or not, but I thought i'd go take some pictures..sorry if they aren't the best, they are from my cell phone, because again, my batteries died on my digital camera! Nothing makes me more angry, okay maybe there is some things, but that still ticks me off!


Michelle Thompson said...

That is ssoo cool. I miss seeing them on the Big Horn Mountains.