Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Shots shots and more shots

I had to take Kennadee in to get her shots today, blah. She had to get three of them, and she wasn't too happy, but I think after the first poke, she got so mad she didn't even feel the other two, but needless to say, we survived! She got her whole well child check-up. She is off the charts in her heighth, she measured 2 ft 9.5 inches, and then she is in the bottom 25th percentile of her weight, I dunno how because she eats like crazy, and then her head is around the 60th- 75 percentile..I think she's gonna be tall!! Kallie absolutely loves going to the doctor now that she is past the shot stages (For a while). I think mostly because they always get a prize and a sucker for being so good (whether they really are or not) and if they are really really sick or get sent to the hospital, our pediatrician gives them a stuffed animal!! She is very very cool!! anyway..I didn't have much to post about today, that was about the high light of our day!!


Troy*Brittany*Tyce said...

Hey Kristin! Cute blog site!! Tyce just had his 4 month shots the other day! Crazy to think he is four months already!!!

Jennie said...

I am sooooo glad to see that someone has seen my blog other than my sister-in-law who made me do it!!! I am still new at it but it is sooo much fun! Nothin' like bragging about your kids, right?!? Yours are adorable by the way!

boandheidi said...

I hate it when the kids are sick. What a cute blog - I got your info. from Lindsey. I can't believe all that cute red hair. Didn't Seth used to say he would NEVER have redheads? That's ok - I swore I wouldn't have boys either - and here we are with two of them.