Sunday, August 10, 2008

okay...So I am the worst blogger ever, my computer takes so long sometimes to load pictures that I just hate waiting for it! anyway...we just got back from a week of camping and my girls had a blast! The camp site that we ended up getting so was dusty that it got kinda miserable at times with the kids and dogs running crazy, but Kallie and Kennadee loved every minute of playing in the dirt! Actually, all the kids loved every minute of that dirt! We did so many things! They girls got to ride horses, play with dirt, Kennadee ate a lot of dirt and tried to eat rocks, played in the creek, went four-wheeling, rode motorcycles, slept in a tent,went fishing, and Kallie even got brave enough to cross the creek in her underwear, don't worry we were all right there incase she fell, but she did great and was kinda cold when she got to the other side, we roasted marshmallows, and ate like royalty. Kallie and Kennadee had so much fun playing with all their cousins and played so well the entire time! Since there are so many pictures on here from camping i'm not gonna explain them all, I think the pictures say enough!! For the record, it took three baths to get the girls clean when we got home! they even got baths up there too every other day..They were covered from head to toe with dirt and dust!!! We had a lot of fun, but it sure is nice to be home in my own bed, my own house, a bath tub and shower.



Jill Asay said...

Looks like so much fun. I'm so jealous...We really miss the mountains living here in Nebraska. It has definately made us realize how beautiful of a place we grew up in!