Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kallie says

I have been explaining to Kallie the real meaning of Christmas, the whole....Baby Jesus was born, about Bethlehem, and the Star of Bethlehem, and about the wise men coming to bring him gifts and yada yada yada! Anyway....tonight at dinner we sat down to eat, Kallie had helped me make Hot potato salad, ham and rolls...We were eating and just talking and Kallie turns to me and said....
"Mom, Kennadee isn't being a very big girl"
I said to her "Yes she is, why do you say that?"
She replies "Because she hasn't eaten ANY of her Bethlehem."


Emily Asay said...

Our due date actually got changed to Feb. 16th at our last ultra sound. So we're excited about that!! r u due the 18th? i love your family picuture by the way

Trevor & Andrea said...

hahahaha that is funny!! I could give you the technical term as to why she made that assimilation:) haha i am analysing a 37month's old language sample right now, story of my life gag! ... your picture is WAY CUTE!!

The Robinson's said...

I love your family picture! Your family is darling & it sounds like you guys have had a great fall!

boandheidi said...

What a cute little girl. your family pictures are really cute.

nina said...

That is such a cute family picture! Makes me want to go get mine done.