Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bragging rights!

Okay so this past Saturday the drill team here put on a little fundraiser where they have the little girls come and they teach them a dance and then they perform it at half time of the basketball game here that night! Kallie really wanted to do it, so of course we let her!! She was so cute, and wanted her hair done and all curled and she wanted to look was senior night and there were a ton of people there, I thought she was gonna get scared and not do it, but she got right out there and had so much fun!! It was so cute to watch her, and sad to realize that she is going to be 4 tomorrow! Time flies, anyway here is a video of her dancing!! She's in the front row and has black sleeves and red hair just incase you couldn't spot her! :) It doesn't last very long, but I still thought it was so cute! ENJOY!


Teri said...

That was really fun!

Stacey said...

Adorable!! Does the new one have the red hair, too?? :)

SLSPJ said...

Oh my heck that was so stinkin cute!! I guess it's okay that you let her go hang out with the drill team, but don't let it happen again ;) the next clip i see of her, she better be practicing her layups!!