Friday, February 6, 2009


just to let everyone know, we have a new addition to our family! YAY! Kaydree Madelyn Owens was born February 5 at 9:50. She weighed 6 lbs 2 oz and 19 ish inches long! Everyone is doing great! I'll post some pictures and stuff tomorrow! I need to get some sleep!


Lauren said...

Congrats! I hope that everything went ok! Can't wait to see pictures!

Kristin said...

Congratulations on your sweet little one!! I really like her name!

Teri said...

Congrats! Cute name (I'm a fan of the double e's ;)
Can't wait to see pics...let me hair? :)

Dana said...

Congrats! How exciting! Glad you're doing well.

boandheidi said...

Congratulations! We are really excited for you. Hope she is doing well and you get some rest!

Kimberly said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Wow! I'm so excited for you. What a cute, cute name! I can't wait to see pictures!

nina said...

That's great Kristin, congratulations! I'll look forward to seeing the pictures.

Destiny said...

Congrats Kristin! I love her name. Can't wait to see some pictures!

Kim said...

Congrats!!!!! Love that baby up. I bet she's adorable. I love her name.