Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pictures of Kaydree!

okay, here are some pictures of our little Kaydree! They aren't in any order because I don't really feel like taking the time to put them that way! Anyway...we are all doing great! her big sisters are loving every minute of her and are always wanting to hold her! It's cute when she starts to cry because Kennadee runs over and says "Baby Taydree want me mom." She is a very good baby and just loves to be held! And the question of the hour....does she have red hair? We thought she did, and she just might later on, but as of right now, it's pretty blonde looking instead, so we'll just have to wait it out and see!! I can tell ya one thing, we just love her to death!
I am so excited she was born on February 5. Kallie was born on my Grandpa's Birthday and Kennadee then ended up being born on Seth's Grandpa's birthday, so it was only appropriate that Kaydree be born on my Dad's birthday (feb 5.). I told everyone that is the day I wanted to have her, and around 4:30 I started having contractions that were 5 minutes apart...we got the girls settled down at our house with dinner, and called someone over to watch them, and it was off to the hospital we went to see if there were any changes and if it was true labor or not, after being there 15 minutes they told me they were keeping me, and at 9:50 Kaydree was born! Everything went smoothly and we are both doing good!


Sarah R said...

She's adorable, Kristin! Congratulations!!!

Teri said...

She is so precious! and you look way too good! Congrats again. :)

Kimberly said...

So, so cute! In one or two pictures she looks like her sisters. I'm so happy for you guys!

Emily Asay said...

that is ridiculous that u look so good right after having her, seriously. congrats though!!!!

Erin said...

Oh...she is darling!! Congrats!

Lauren said...

She is so cute! Congrats. 3 girls! :) WOW

LDA said...

Congratulations! That's a great birthday--it's mine too!

jsmbbaker said...

You look great Kristin! Congrats on Kaydree- she is adorable! Can't wait to see you guys!

Stacey said...

Congrats! Love the name and you look wonderful! Glad she made it on your dads day, too!

Stacey said...

Congrats! You look great and I am glad she made it on your dads birthday. I love her name, too!

Jennie said...

How cute! And I agree with every one else, you look amazing for just giving birth!!!

Greg Becky said...

Cute! Congrats! It's not fair to look so good at the hospital! Tough shoes to fill. Your older girls are going to be so much help! I am sure she is getting showered with kisses.

elonna said...

How addorable! I am glad that everyone is doing well. Gee you don't even look like you just had a baby. Congrats!

Trevor & Andrea said...

that is so exciting! I think you have the cutest girls:) congrats! and i am glad to hear it went smooth!

Julie Anne said...

Congratulations! Cutie!