Friday, May 23, 2008

Blah...sick kids

So....ugh...we have gone this entire winter without hardly being sick well...thanksgiving Kennadee was in the hospital with pnemonia, but other than that, my kids have been so healthy! the middle of stinkin May, it all breaks loose! We all have sore throats, the kids are getting kind of a cough, and to top it off, Kennadee got an ear infection (and she even has tubes in her ears and if she gets one it shouldn't bother her, but it has) and Kallie has a bladder infection! It hit us all at once! I guess it's making up for nothing during the winter. Last winter, my kids switched back and forth...if it wasn't RSV they had Pnemonia, and if it wasn't pnemonia they had RSV or ear was nuts, i didn't think they'd ever make it through, but they did! but man...i thought we were gonnna have a non sick year! blah!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Scavenger hunt

For FHE tonight I decided to have the girls to a scavenger hunt. I made a list for them and we went in the back yard and out front and looked for the items...I had them find a leaf, a small rock, a big rock, some dirt, grass, a bug, a flower, a tree branch, a cloud and a bird...I gave them a plastic bag and had them put the stuff that they had found inside their bags! (except for the cloud, bug, ya know that kinda stuff) We came back inside and I had them find a picture of Jesus also, then I had them sit down and told them that Jesus created all the stuff that they had found for us to have a beautiful earth! It was so cute! The girls were so interested in the lesson! When I showed Kennadee a picture of Jesus, she looked at it and said plain as day "JESUS". I am so amazed at little children! What a testimony.He lives, he loves the children, and they were truly with him before this earth! I am so amazed that the littlest children know him at such a very very young age! I maybe have showed Kennadee a picture of him once and told her it was Jesus, but if I showed her a picture of some stranger and told her their name she wouldn't remember it in two minutes! Later on after our family home evening, the girls were playing out in the back, and Kallie kept asking me, "Mom can you talk about Jesus again?" They were just so interested in my lesson. Kennadee had found an ant, and was trying to step on it, and Kallie screamed at her and said "NO, JESUS Made that ant for us." ha ha ha. I think finally one time she actually listened to my lesson and remembered it! I am so bless
ed to have such a fun little girls!
here are some of the things, that I let them keep in their bag
Kallie so happy she found somethingKallie showing me her stick she foundKennadee eating her chips.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Since it has been so nice I decided that my car was in DESPERATE need of a clean! I would be embarrassed if anybody saw the inside of it! What can ya do though? I have kids! Expect it right? Well, i do expect it and it's no surprise to me, but I guess I could do my part and take stuff outta the car...ya know? My kids think that if we go anywhere they have to bring a toy, so I let them to spare myself a fight or a temper tantrum, but as soon as we return home I usually have groceries or some other stuff to bring in the house, sometimes it's even sleeping kids, so I don't usually have enough arms to bring them all in, so I think " oh I'll get them later or tomorrow" well, I don't get them later or tomorrow! So back to the point, I cleaned my car out! Kennadee likes to sit in the car and drive or push every button possible and turn every knob that is turn able, I usually let her, cuz it doesn't hurt much! I was cleaning the back out, and Kennadee had been in the passenger side, well i started vacuuming it out and I couldn't see or hear her, so I went and looked in the front and she was sound asleep eating her Popsicle! I'm guessing the loud vacuum was what did the trick! She looked so cute i just had to grab my camera!

Ican't belive how nice it has been these past four days! It has been so much fun playing outside and going on walks. Kennadee loves being outside, but lately in our backyard she'll go wherever Tank (our dog of course) is, this time they were in one of my little flower gardens in the corner of our yard, it was so cute, she way laying on him but i couldn't get my camera in time, but she is just so cute out there.

Here's some pictures of the girls the first one is just Kennadee playing the piano but as you can see...Kallie's legs are in the background and a fight is about to escalate! Kallie decided to wrestle the piano away from Kennadee and then I'm not quite sure how but she got Kennadee in some sorta headlock by her legs! The fight quit for a bit,they forgot about the piano and they were laughing, but I dunno if Kallie started squeezing harder with her legs or something, but now Kennadee was getting a little fed up,because she wanted out, but couldn't get out!also, as you can see Kallie has one of her many outfits on that she wore for that day!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

okay, so I didn't know that my oldest little girl would get in the stage where she changes her clothes and shoes like every two seconds, but it has came and started a few days ago. It's getting outta control already though, i'm not even exaggerating, she put on 18 different outfits between 1:30 and 7:00 today, sometimes I am lucky enough though that she'll put an outfit on and then go back to the previous outfit that was like three outfits ago and put it back on, and ask me if she looks pretty in this one or if her shoes match. Sometimes though she wants her hair done a different way for each outfit...YOU GOTTA BE KIDDIN. She is so creative sometimes, she is keeping me up on laundry, she usually puts the outfits that she's worn for about 4.89 seconds in the laundry, because of course they are "So dirty!" So, when does this little stage end? She wants to go into public wearing a purple polka dotted dress, jeans underneath and these really cool unmatched cinderella shoes (usually one is blue and one is pink or maybe she'll decide to wear one purple). Her hair is usually completly full of static electricity from pulling so many things over her head. She tops it off with a beautiful princess crown too, I think with that outfit she might make it in New York or Hollywood with absolutely no looks but not quite sure in Evanston. I will try and get some pictures of all the outfits she wears, at least tomorrow because I have a feeling that this is not going to end any time soon!!!

Drivin along in my automobile, my baby beside me at the wheel!!!!!

The girl's finally got their way, they got a new powerwheels! I kept putting it off and putting it off, because some are so stinkin expensive and I guess I have a hard time thinking my girls are driving a nice vehicle than I am! ha ha! But we found on at Walmart that was on clearance because it was last years model! I had no idea that power wheels could lose their value also, crazy that they can while sittin in a box for a year, but needless to say, the girls got their powerwheels and absolutely love it! Actually when it was being built, Kennadee threw a complete bloody fit, like an outta control one, kickin and screaming, holding her breath, then she would throw things, arch her back if I tried to pick her up. It was nuts, and this whole fit throwing thing was because we had to turn the car upside down for a bit to assemble it, and screw in some more screws, she would hardly let us put it together because she just wanted to sit in it! It was so cute, they spent a lot of the day today outside driving it around and around. Kallie is slowly learning how to handle it, it's so cute, she'll crank the wheel one way, and then she catches herself driving right for the main street, so she'll crank it the other way and heads straight for the house! It's so cute. I took a few pictures of them when it was being built and then the test drive! At first I didn't know if Kennadee was scared of riding in it, or if she was just so tired and upset that she didn't get to sit in it the whole time when it was being put together, so some of the pictures she's mighty grumpy maybe it's because she can't drive it, but now absolutely love it! (my kids don't always look this dirty either ha ha, just a wild and crazy day :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


It was snowing yesterday (Yes YESTERDAY) and so I decided to get the game of Twister out, I thought maybe Kallie would be old enough now to kind of understand it, I was pretty wrong, it wasn't turning out the way that I wanted it to, but it was even funner that way. Kallie was so cute, I would spin the spinny thing (don't know what it's called) and tell Kallie right hand on red, left foot on green, left hand on yellow, and right food on blue kinda thing. She was so confused at first, and then when I would start calling out which hand or foot to put on which color, she would just hop right over and do it, finally she looked up at me and said "Mom this game is not very fun at all." I kept trying to explain to her that you have to leave all your hands and feet on the colors, even if I call out another color, you have to keep them all on the colors. I said it was trying to make her into a pretzel. She still didn't understand anything about it, but we still had so much fun playing. This picture is about as twisted up as she got, but I think some of her problem was that her legs and arms aren't near long enough to stretch from one side to the other ha ha, but here are some other pictures that I took of her playing Twister, and of course Kennadee had to join in the fun, and she just thought it was fun to bounce back and forth onto the different dots.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I ordered some books from a lady I work with a while back, and when I finally got them, a book mark was in one of the books, I just thought I would share it. It's called
"If I Had My Child To Raise Over Again."
If I had my child to raise all over again, I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later
I'd finger-paint more, and point the finger less.
I'd do less correcting and more connecting.
I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.
I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I would run through more fields, and gaze and more stores.
I'd do more hugging and less tugging.
I'd see the oak tree in the acorn more often.
I'd firm less often, and affirm much more.
I'd model less about the love of power, and more about the power of love.
(Diane Loomans)
I don't know why this poem touched me, I think sometimes I can get caught up in the chores of everyday always want a spotless house, making sure the dishes and laundry are always done, just things like that, and I think sometimes i neglect the girls. When I came across this it made me stop and think, because I know when they are gone, I don't ever want to look back and think What If? I am just so grateful Heavenly Father gave me two gorgeous girls, I am trying to be the best mother that I am capable of being, I do catch myself sometimes wondering if I'm prepared and worthy to take on such a big and important task of raising children, but I know that Heavenly Father gave me these two precious, big spirited children, because he knows that I can do it! I'm amazed how big their spirits and testimonies. I'm glad they came to me to teach me lessons of love, forgiving and patience.

I'd Rather Be A Cat

The girls and I got to take a trip to lovell for a week, my parents have new baby kittens and this was definitely the highlight of going there...the girls were so cute with the kittens! the one in most of the pictures is Kallie's, she named her Simba! She is such a cute kitten, as you can tell in the pictures though Tank wasn't too sure what in the world this this was! It was so fun to watch him with them though, he tried to be a mother to them, which is weird, Kallie made up a song for him though, she sang to "farmer in the dale" but the words went "i'd rather be a cat, i'd rather be a cat, i'm tired of bein a dumb ol' dog, i'd rather be a cat." it is the cutest song ever, i think may be right too! jk, but here are a few pictures of the girls playing with their kittens, there is one of Kennadee that is side ways but it was so cute i couldn't just not put it on here, she didn't get to hold them very much and when you look at the picture it will explain why!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Kallie decided lately that she loves to take pictures of herself. Kennadee was sleeping one afternoon so Kallie crawled up on my lap and we took some pictures!! She is so fun!

All smiles

Pucker up (these are all her ideas)
I love my mommy!

and again all her idea

Mmmmm Mmmmm good!

I know everybody has a picture of their little ones eating spaghetti, i just thought i'd post some of Kennadee eating it! She goes a little extreme by making her hair a little thicker with spaghetti noodles and adds some highlights with spaghetti sauce!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


So late last night i was finishing up some laundry, and was getting to the worst part of it all, folding socks! I hate folding socks most of the time because i can do all the laundry in the house and i still have at least fifteen socks that do not have any matches. I go through the questions in my head after every i throw this sock away? am i gonna find that match to it soon? should i just keep it for a while and see what happens? I have an entire drawer of socks missing their match! Last night was the first time ever i finished all the laundry and i had absolutely NO missing socks! This has never happened! I know this is a really stupid post to write, but i was just so excited that my dryer didn't eat any socks, well if it did at least it ate a pair of socks instead of individual ones of different pairs, that i had to share it with everyone! If your a person who has this same problem then you will probably enjoy this post!